For Relaxation

A free yoga nidra here that I recorded here that you can use. Yoga Nidra is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘yogic sleep’ and is a state where the body is completely relaxed somewhere between being awake and asleep. I practice Yoga Nidra when I can’t sleep, when I feel stressed, depleted, anxious or even before a big challenge that I need to prepare for. I have used it for so many moments in my life and I really value this practice. Here is a free recording you can pass amongst friends who may also find it useful! See how it is for you, sometimes it really allows the body and mind to rest - other times you may be unable to relax and that’s OK too.

It’s ideal if you can get as comfortable as possible and feel like you are in a safe place. But I’ve also known people practice on public transport or whilst walking - what works for you may be different to someone else!

For more information on yoga nidra and for many more free yoga nidras please look into the work of Uma Dinsmore-Tulli! The website Yoga Nidra Network has many yoga nidras for different things and also in different languages too.

Please also see below a healing practice from the Qi Gong traditions as taught to me by Mimi Kuo Deemer. She taught me that this can be a very relaxing and healing practice; allowing the five elements to be balanced. I very much enjoy teaching and listening to this guided meditation myself. You can do it seated or lying down. I nearly always choose lying down and making sure I am very comfortable and warm so that the body can fully relax.