Yoga and Movement

I came to yoga to live more fully and wanting to really feel all of those parts of myself that perhaps I’ve hid or denied in a bid to present a version of myself that is more palatable, wanted and desired. I hope to encourage each student to notice, lean into and find joy in all of the sides of their being and listen into the inner wisdom of their bodies.

Crucially, all are welcome, I don’t take myself too seriously and I teach with humour and acceptance. You can find me in and around Sheffield teaching group classes but please also contact me for private 1-to-1s - it’s a great way to better get to know your own body and a great way to learn or to take your practice deeper.

Pregnancy Yoga and Postnatal Yoga

I teach antenatal yoga and postnatal yoga. I hope to provide nourishing spaces to facilitate rest and connection. We use movement to nourish and nurture with periods dedicated to rest, we also use breathing techniques and body awareness and positioning to ground or revitalize ourselves and find joy in movement.

Yoga after Abortion and Miscarriage

Long have I longed for a space to hold those that have experienced pregnancy loss in all of its forms. There is no hierarchy of loss and absolutely all are welcome. I provide a space to gently move our bodies and provide facilitated rest in a time where it is greatly needed.


Qualifications, Trainings and Practice

I have practiced a variety of styles of yoga and some of the inspirational teachers I have studied with, practiced with and been influenced by include: Carly Mountain, Tiffany Cruikshank, Corrie Ananda Preece, Mimi Kuo-Deemer, Jean Hall, Tashi Dawa and many more…

  • 200hr Yoga Medicine with Triffany Cruikshank

  • Yoga Therapist Training Ongoing with Yoga Medicine

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    • Mental Health and Wellness

    • Mindful Trauma Informed Yoga

  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Anna Ashby

  • Uma Dinsmore-Tuli Pregnancy Yoga

  • All Woman Postnatal Yoga

  • The Butterfly School (3 Years) and Apprenticeship with Carly Mountain

  • QiGong Immersion with Mimi Kuo-Deemer

  • Uma Dinsmore-Tuli Yoga Nidra

  • Neurofundamentals - Neuro-biomechanics with Z-Health
