Why I Practice


I started practicing yoga in 2013 when a lot of things felt ‘wrong’ in my life - I felt frustrated and had a real sense of longing for something else or more.... I didn’t think yoga would necessarily be the answer but I was drawn to its physicality, how it made me feel and the space I found from it.

It took years of practice and inquiry,not only through asana, to slowly unravel some of those layers and find some grains of something - and I’m still peeling away every day.

I am very interested in yoga and the benefits it can have on mental health having experienced depression and an eating disorder in my late teens, early 20s. Yoga has allowed me to look back on those years with compassion and allow them to shape but not dictate who I am now. It has taught me to keep reaching out and looking within. Yoga has supported me through times of change - ending of relationships, ending of careers, new beginnings, loss. Movement, meditation, nidra, stillness (and swimming!) has supported me when I felt alienated from my own body, my own thoughts and those around me.


"It is the opening of the heart so that we have the capacity to feel tenderness, joy, and sorrow without shutting down. It is the opening of the mind to a tenderness that encompasses rather than excludes. It is the startling and immediate recognition of our basic sameness. It is the practice of observing clearly, listening acutely, and skillfully responding to the moment with all the compassion we can muster. And it is a homecoming with and in the body for it is only here that we can do all these things.”

Donna Farhi
